Saturday, May 15, 2010
The War
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Battlefield

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Women Who Helped

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Interesting Facts
- Drugs became a problem after the Vietnam War. When young soldiers had nothing to do between battles, they had their money and wasted it on drugs. The Vietnam soldiers were addicted.
- 76% were sent to the Vietnam War were mostly lower/middle class workers.
- The average age of those that got killed were around the age 23 years of age.
- During the Vietnam War the dept increased by 146 billion.
- 74% said they would serve again even if they knew the outcome.
- two-thirds of the men in the Vietnam War volunteered.
My Reason
The reason i picked this event in History because i believed that this War impacted many lives. It also opened the U.S government eyes to stop being so willing to do anything, because it resulted in millions of deaths. It created the strongest tensions in the U.S. history. People think that women are sissy's and helpless but the women gave up their lives as well. They were willing to help all the vet's that are injured and saved millions of lives. All of the Vietnamese and American men were all hero's in some ways. Many men were willing to give up their lives to be apart of the War. This war made me change my thought of the military and army for doing what they do best because without them the whole Earth would be destroyed with conflicts and wars.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hickman,Kennedy. "The Vietnam War." Military History.2o10.Web. 14 May 2010.
"Learn About The Vietnam War." Digital History.Web.14 May 2010
"Modern American Poetry."A Vietnam War Timeline. Public Broadcastin System.Web.May 2o10.
"Vietnam War Statistic." Personnel. Army. Web. 13 May 2010.
"Vietnam:War and the Enviornment." Green Left. 14 July 1993. 15 May 2010